Saturday, May 4, 2013

Why is it called an Extreme Viewpoint if you are presenting questions and facts?

Why are there so many myths out there protecting the Mill?

Is the Port Townsend Paper Mill producing toxin or Not? If so is this a violation of the Laws the voters voted in or not?

This "debate" can be fact instead of a brawl right? And instead of protecting status quo and spreading non-FACT, why not simply get to the bottom of it per say?

Do "Locals" really have more rights then the proverbial newcomber? I mean, the laws were voted in by society as a whole and anyone anywhere has a right to OUT those violating the law right?

I am from Montana, where the newcomers had issues with alot, and I fought it, of course, it's how things work. They came to Montana and wanted it to be like where they came from, with lots of billboards, shops and such. The thing is those newcomers did god things to and stopped decades worth of "bad things" happening that no "local" could. It is fate in many ways.

It is not moral, lawful, or ethical to knowingly put poison into people's air and water, and then use the excuse of we need the jobs, the social programs and newbies have no right to complain for they knew the mill was here before they moved here.

If your job is to poison others, knowingly, then the law of spirituality, of consciousness, of morality, and our constitutional rights would have to trump that and say we have a right to clean air, water, soil and we have a constitutional right to STOP anyone who poisons us, whether they have been her 2 days or 200 years.

Is the Port Townsend Paper Mill in violation of the Law or Not?

Is the Port Townsend Paper Mill putting out carcinogen or not?

Is the Port Townsend Paper Mill something that should have massive rights over the right to breath clean air, eat organically from the soil, and have clean water to drink and a pollutant free watershed?

The Port Townsend Paper Mill makes HUGE money for it's New York owners. The Port Townsend residents get poisoned while the rich get richer.

For those who say if the mill is gone so will social programs go, that is FALSE. The mill sure seems massively toxic, if so then it will Superfund. Just as WR Grace and Libby Montana, where the people are still dealing with Cancer and horrific issues from the all is well at the WR Grace Plant (yeah I am from Lincoln County MT, my peeps died that kind of death).

Once it is a Superfund, won't there be clean up jobs, and tons of social programs? I know that Libby Montana gets a 6 Million Dollar check now and then, and well I doubt that if the mill is gone social programs will go down, they will go UP.

And the Economy is Jefferson County Washington will NOT take a nose dive, it will BOOM. As many artists, galleries, small technology businesses, independent businesses, organic companies and more will want to be here. It is a MYTH that without the mill Port Townsend Washington will CEASE. I say a flat out lie to protect the Port Townsend Paper Mill

Sorry Folks, 1 PLUS 1 Is 2 regardless of your opinion or belief system. Either PT Holdings Company, Inc., Port Townsend Paper is poisoning the residents, soil, water and air or they are not, seems pretty simple to me.

This is not about "OPINION" or whether one wears Birkenstocks or not. 

It is a matter of the TRUTH vs. the LIE. What is the TRUTH, find it and then that is TRUTH, not Opinion. And this TRUTH stands separate then whether your of "Logger" stock or Birkenstock.

Some say, "Made in America is a Good Thing". I AGREE. However, poisoning Americans to make "American Made" and violating our constitutional and lawful right to do so is certainly not "AMERICAN" values and tradition.  And is is NOT a Good Thing.

Making a "living", making "Made in America" while you ingest the toxins from it, is not "a good thing" either. The residents and their product and business, their kids, are "Made in America" too and THEY should not be the collateral damage of the GREED PT Holdings Company, Inc., Port Townsend Paper, Dale E. Stahl , Amcol International Corp., PT Holdings Company, Inc., PORT TOWNSEND PAPER CORPORATION, and all those invested in a Paper Mill that sure seems to be in violation of Clean Water and Clean Air Laws, and the constitutional rights of the residence of Port Townsend Washington.

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